What's It All About?

What's It all about then?

I've played games with toy soldiers all my life, having made the transition from eggy soldiers at a very young age! Airfix soldiers, and therefore OO scale/1-76th/20mm seem to be imprinted on me! I've tried other scales, but the bigger stuff takes too long to paint and the smaller stuff takes too long to focus on!

A long, long time ago Osprey published their Boxer Rebellion title and I always knew I wanted to have a go at wargaming that. The colonial powers ganging up on a China that surprised them all by fighting back! Then in 1994 (!) I discovered Kennington Miniatures Boxer Rebellion range in 20mm scale (now sold by SHQ Miniatures) and I was up and running!

Having expanded Boxer Rebellion wargaming over the years to also let me game the Sino-French War of 1883 - 85, I thought where can I take it next? Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom novels read as a kid, the Space 1889 role playing game and a lifelong interest in science fiction all pointed me to Victorian Science Fiction wargaming! Great if you game in 15/18mm or 25/28mm, but what about 20mm?

So not only is this the start of my blog, it is the start of my 20mm VSF gaming journey! OK, there are some ideas on the background, troops and armies bouncing around my head, but that's as far as it's got . . . For now!

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